Cryptocurrencies: The Revolution in the World Finance

ABSTRACT The cryptocurrency is thought to be the next internet revolution, where transactions are done utilizing peer-to-peer network creating a block-chain of the participants involved. Therefore, it is in totality creating a new virtual world, which might change the course of the foreseeable future finance. The reaction to the blockchain and cryptocurrency is synonymous withContinueContinue reading “Cryptocurrencies: The Revolution in the World Finance”

Responsive Earphone – The Future is Here!!

There has been exponential advancement in the technology and Artificially Intelligence (AI) has been revolutionizing the smartphone industry. The supports of a new level of AI in smartphone and other devices such and Bixby, Siri, Google Assistant and more to come, it has lead to the possibility of development of the responsive wireless earphones. TheContinueContinue reading “Responsive Earphone – The Future is Here!!”