18+ content. About Porn.

What was your age when you first watched porn? If you can share please comment below and share your experience. I was 12 when I first watched a porn. Yes, 12…………. Or is it an 18+ content? We kids of 90s were very fond of CDs and DVDs. We used to borrow DVD player fromContinueContinue reading “18+ content. About Porn.”

Responsive Earphone – The Future is Here!!

There has been exponential advancement in the technology and Artificially Intelligence (AI) has been revolutionizing the smartphone industry. The supports of a new level of AI in smartphone and other devices such and Bixby, Siri, Google Assistant and more to come, it has lead to the possibility of development of the responsive wireless earphones. TheContinueContinue reading “Responsive Earphone – The Future is Here!!”

Here’s Why “Time Management” has not worked for you. And WHAT YOU can do to Make it Work!

Do you really think time management is the key to success. The ideas presented in the blog will force you to rethink the age old saying “Manage your time”

My Wish in My Rareview

People around the world have strange beliefs. Some are shocking and some very surprising. Some believe that worshiping will make rainfall in the fields suffering from drought. Some ancient people believed that tsunami or hurricane or any natural disaster was the wrath of God due to some ill activities of humans. People do believe, andContinueContinue reading “My Wish in My Rareview”