Cryptocurrencies: The Revolution in the World Finance

ABSTRACT The cryptocurrency is thought to be the next internet revolution, where transactions are done utilizing peer-to-peer network creating a block-chain of the participants involved. Therefore, it is in totality creating a new virtual world, which might change the course of the foreseeable future finance. The reaction to the blockchain and cryptocurrency is synonymous withContinueContinue reading “Cryptocurrencies: The Revolution in the World Finance”

A Complete Guide to Revamp YOUR CV to Get YOUR Dream JOB!

Having completed my masters’, it’s been a while that I have been searching for my dream job. After applying for around 80+ vacancies, I still have no luck. It’s really very frustrating. All the advice from the HR “experts” for the job seeks is just not working. Customize CVs and cover letter that I haveContinueContinue reading “A Complete Guide to Revamp YOUR CV to Get YOUR Dream JOB!”