5 Things that Define YOUR Life

Some “happy go lucky” folks always tend to enjoy their life no matter what their circumstances are. Some, on the other hand, are always suffering no matter how good their lives are. Some complaint about everything they see, feel or touch. While others learn from every experience and are grateful for their learning. Life: theContinueContinue reading “5 Things that Define YOUR Life”

18+ content. About Porn.

What was your age when you first watched porn? If you can share please comment below and share your experience. I was 12 when I first watched a porn. Yes, 12…………. Or is it an 18+ content? We kids of 90s were very fond of CDs and DVDs. We used to borrow DVD player fromContinueContinue reading “18+ content. About Porn.”

Why so Much Emphasis in the Same Cast Marriage? Here’s Science Behind it!

Marriage within the same cast has a stronghold in our society. Only a few days ago I went through the news that said one couple was beaten to death. Because they had married into a different cast. The news of social banishment, banishment from the clan is common things around the world. So the questionContinueContinue reading “Why so Much Emphasis in the Same Cast Marriage? Here’s Science Behind it!”

Will Ancestors Curse You for “Intercast Marriage”? Probably not. Here’s Why!

“You will be cursed by ancestors”, my mother said. It was her final call to silence me. I was putting my logics for inter-caste marriages. She thought otherwise. I had answered _“ I will marry from another cast”_ to her, _“Now you should marry” suggestion._ As soon as I said that, my mother’s face wasContinueContinue reading “Will Ancestors Curse You for “Intercast Marriage”? Probably not. Here’s Why!”

Here’s How A Shortcut will Work 100% in YOUR favor in Every Aspect of YOUR Life.

What’s your dream in your life? Do you want to reach the heights of name and fame? So famous and so wealthy that you surpassed all those who have ever lived. Do you want to be the most influential person in the world? Do you want to save the world so that all the futureContinueContinue reading “Here’s How A Shortcut will Work 100% in YOUR favor in Every Aspect of YOUR Life.”

What is Your Life About?

There are many definitions of life however one definition doesn’t fit all. People define their life as per their experiences they have had. And that is what a life is. Accumulations of experiences. But that’s not all. As much as it is about the experience, a large has to do with how we perceive thoseContinueContinue reading “What is Your Life About?”

Cryptocurrencies: The Revolution in the World Finance

ABSTRACT The cryptocurrency is thought to be the next internet revolution, where transactions are done utilizing peer-to-peer network creating a block-chain of the participants involved. Therefore, it is in totality creating a new virtual world, which might change the course of the foreseeable future finance. The reaction to the blockchain and cryptocurrency is synonymous withContinueContinue reading “Cryptocurrencies: The Revolution in the World Finance”

दराज, म र अात्मा !!

एउटा मान्छे थियो । उसले एक दिन एउटा राम्रो सुट किन्यो । यो कथा त्यही सुटको हो । सेतो कपडामा खैरो मोटो – टाढा टाढा राखिएको, कोठा कोठा बनाएको धर्सा भएको सर्ट । टाढाबाट हेर्दा गहुँ गोरो जस्तो देखिने । नजिकबाट हेर्दा चै सेतो नै हो, अलि अलि कता कता कालो भएको । पुरै कालोContinueContinue reading “दराज, म र अात्मा !!”

A Complete Guide to Revamp YOUR CV to Get YOUR Dream JOB!

Having completed my masters’, it’s been a while that I have been searching for my dream job. After applying for around 80+ vacancies, I still have no luck. It’s really very frustrating. All the advice from the HR “experts” for the job seeks is just not working. Customize CVs and cover letter that I haveContinueContinue reading “A Complete Guide to Revamp YOUR CV to Get YOUR Dream JOB!”

Responsive Earphone – The Future is Here!!

There has been exponential advancement in the technology and Artificially Intelligence (AI) has been revolutionizing the smartphone industry. The supports of a new level of AI in smartphone and other devices such and Bixby, Siri, Google Assistant and more to come, it has lead to the possibility of development of the responsive wireless earphones. TheContinueContinue reading “Responsive Earphone – The Future is Here!!”