18+ content. About Porn.

What was your age when you first watched porn? If you can share please comment below and share your experience. I was 12 when I first watched a porn. Yes, 12…………. Or is it an 18+ content? We kids of 90s were very fond of CDs and DVDs. We used to borrow DVD player fromContinueContinue reading “18+ content. About Porn.”

Why so Much Emphasis in the Same Cast Marriage? Here’s Science Behind it!

Marriage within the same cast has a stronghold in our society. Only a few days ago I went through the news that said one couple was beaten to death. Because they had married into a different cast. The news of social banishment, banishment from the clan is common things around the world. So the questionContinueContinue reading “Why so Much Emphasis in the Same Cast Marriage? Here’s Science Behind it!”