Will Ancestors Curse You for “Intercast Marriage”? Probably not. Here’s Why!

“You will be cursed by ancestors”, my mother said. It was her final call to silence me. I was putting my logics for inter-caste marriages. She thought otherwise. I had answered _“ I will marry from another cast”_ to her, _“Now you should marry” suggestion._ As soon as I said that, my mother’s face wasContinueContinue reading “Will Ancestors Curse You for “Intercast Marriage”? Probably not. Here’s Why!”

Here’s How A Shortcut will Work 100% in YOUR favor in Every Aspect of YOUR Life.

What’s your dream in your life? Do you want to reach the heights of name and fame? So famous and so wealthy that you surpassed all those who have ever lived. Do you want to be the most influential person in the world? Do you want to save the world so that all the futureContinueContinue reading “Here’s How A Shortcut will Work 100% in YOUR favor in Every Aspect of YOUR Life.”