What is Your Life About?

There are many definitions of life however one definition doesn’t fit all. People define their life as per their experiences they have had. And that is what a life is. Accumulations of experiences. But that’s not all. As much as it is about the experience, a large has to do with how we perceive those experiences and what we learn from those experiences.

A flower blooms in the filth. The more the filth, the better it will blossom. It is true for people as well, the more experience they get, the better they become in life. People having a bad experience with right perspective tend to be wiser as the experiences grow. For some, bitter experiences lead to the best version of themselves.

This book will help to understand your mind, body and its relation with the world:

There is a beautiful story in Hindu Mythology about the importance of experience.

Goddess Ashok Sundari (daughter of goddess Parvati as mentioned in Padma Puran) was once roaming in Nandanvana with her maids. A demon named Hunda saw her and attracted by her beauty, fell for her. However, the goddess rejected the advances of the demon and informed him about her destiny to marry Nahusha (blessed by Goddess Parvati to marry Nahusa of the Lunar Dynasty). Hunda thought of a trick.

Hunda successfully tricked Goddess Ashok Sundari and disguised himself as a widow, whose husband was killed by him (Hunda), and asked Ashok Sundari to accompany her to her hermitage. The goddess went with the disguised demon and reached his palace. Later, she came to know of Hunda’s treachery and cursed him to be killed by Nahusha and escaped to her parents’ abode Kailash.

Hunda gets after Nahusha who happens to be an infant at that point in time. He kidnaps the infant Nahusha, however, was rescued by a maid of Hunda and delivers him to sage Vashisth for care and safekeeping.

Hunda keeps searching for Nahusaha. As he gets closer to Nahusaha and it becomes more and more difficult to keep him safe from the demon there is a mention of conversation between Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati.

Goddess: There is a lot of years for Nahusa to mature, but the evil karma of Hunda has reached its pick.

Lord: Everything will happen in the right time.

Goddess: Can’t we just accelerate his growth. Can’t we make him adult this instant and kill the devil?

Lord: We might be able to mature him this instant, but he will be lacking the experiences, and skills that come with it. It is of utmost importance that he gets all the experiences that are necessary for Nahusa to understand his place in the universe and kill the devil. Of course, we can mature him, make him an adult, but we cannot instill experiences in him. Let him take his time.

This story beautifully shows how experience is important and the lessons learned by experiences cannot be installed even by gods but has to felt and learned from within. And that is what makes life and that is what life is all about. It is true for every one of us. Life is but a collection of learning and feelings from experiences. Same experience may teach different things to different people based on their perspective and previous experiences. Hence, to have a beautiful life, the prerequisite is enhanced perspective and experiences.

The following book will help you to enhance your perspective:

I wish you have an active life, accumulate a lot of experiences, and live the life to its fullest. I wish for you that at the end of life, when you stand in front of your creator, you can look into his eyes and say “I have used every tools, skills, and talent that you had given me in my life. I have lived my life to the fullest”

Published by Nitesh

I have a different perspective to things around. Here I am to share my perspective so that you can see the world differently and be more happy.

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